Need a handy collection of tips you can use to reduce your water bill? That’s perfect, because we have one right here, in no particular order:

1. Take shorter showers.

If you can reduce your shower length by just a few minutes, it will save you notable money. If you switch to taking fast, efficient washing showers, you can save a ton! Focus on getting in and getting out by turning on the water to get wet, then lather and wash without the water on, and turn back on to rinse. Not only will you save on water,  you’ll save money on other utility bills, like gas and electricity.

2. Stop the water when shaving or brushing your teeth.

Running water when doing not using it is a complete waste of water. To rinse off your razor while shaving, just keep a cup of hot water next to you and dip it in every so often. When brushing your teeth, fill up your rinse cup and turn off the faucet.

3. Add aerators to your faucets.

Aerators are easy to fit onto faucets and reduce the amount of water your faucet uses, making the flow more forceful. They essentially force air into the flow, increasing pressure while decreasing the amount of water coming through the faucet head.

4. Install low-flow shower heads and toilets.

You can convert your current shower and toilet to low-flow without replacing the whole things. Installing a low-flow shower head can reduce the amount of water you use showering by 50 percent. While there aren’t “low flow” toilet conversion kits that we know of, you can reduce the flow in your existing toilet by adding weights to the tank.

5. Run full loads of dishes and laundry.

Running a cycle in your dishwasher or laundry washing machine is a waste of water, and runs up your bill. Hand washing isn’t nearly as water efficient as running full loads through your dishwasher. Just your washers when they’re full and you can also spend less time on those tasks too!

6. Stop running the tap until it’s cold.

Instead of running the tap until the water runs cold when you want a cool glass of water, fill up a pitcher and store it in your refrigerator. Or just get in the habit of using ice cubes.

7. Handle Leaks Immediately.

As soon as you become aware of a leak, handle it or have a professional handle it. Not only do leaks waste water, but over time they can grow to waste more water if unaddressed.  

8. Upgrade to Newer, More Efficient Appliances.

All newer models are not always more efficient, although more efficient models are almost always available.

If you ever notice a short-term increase in your water bill, but your usage hasn’t gone up, there may be a leak or a problem with your meter. Ask to have your meter read again and it may be resolved. If not, have a licenced plumber see if they can locate a leak.